Please check back here for any updates on information you need to know including competition dates and important reminders. 

25/11/2020: The closure of the sports hall for the purposes of pre-Christmas COVID testing means there will be no further training sessions this term.

25/10/2020: Training has been cancelled for at least further week.

8/10/2020: In light of the most recent government update, in person training is suspended for 2 weeks starting Friday 9/10/2020 for a minimum period of 2 weeks. 

18/09/2020: Please see below the Missing Sessions Policy outlining penalties for non-attendance without informing EUTC. This document is subject to change based on changes in guidance, capacity and training structure throughout the 2020/2021 academic year. Attached are also outlines of logistical changes in sessions over the coming years in response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. 

12/09/2020: Following recent tightening of restrictions regarding social activity, all in-person Welcome Week social activity across the SU has been cancelled. It is highly unlikely EUTC will hold in-person social activity for the foreseeable future (until guidance allows). There will be a delay in releasing further information about the return to activity while we process guidance and adjust our plans for the near future. Welcome Week tester sessions will still be held. 

07/09/2020: Please see below some initial documents relating to our EUTC return to activity. More information to come over the next week or so. Training sessions will begin in Week 1/2 as normal with taster sessions planned for during Welcome Week.